Yesterday, June 9th was the day! I learned to crochet a week ago and made a silly contribution!

Click the image above to see my creation, The Crochet Monster. For more information on this world-wide event, uniting fiber artists check out the Facebook Page and the Official Website.
I never thought that I was a "health-freak" but since I've become a mother I have been accused of not only that, but of depriving my child! This mostly comes from my insistence of feeding my baby green things and not wanting to give her sugar. I'm sorry to say, but Americans eat way too much sugar among other things. I've also been accused of not being American, due to my diet; what can I say, I actually ENJOY healthy foods!
Moving on to eating bugs. I believe Kay Rae has been watching our cat. Yesterday, she showed an unusual fascination with a small little beetle. She poked at it, crawled with it, and laid down with it. This was all fun and games, and went on for some time, until at some point she decided to rip it in half (sorry beetle!) She was proud to show me where she had left half of the creature, but I wondered in dismay, what happened to the other half? Next thing I know, Kay finds it on her finger...and strait to the mouth it goes. Initial disgust caused me to squeel just a little then demand her to remove it. She did and we apologized to the poor beetle and threw him outside. Later I wondered if that was really so disgusting? Afterall, I intentionally ate a bug just last year-and a mealworm of all the creatures-on Kay's behalf! It was a cooked and flavored, not too well, bug that was challenged by the Nature Center for us to eat during their Insectorama event.
I'll bet you've eaten far more bugs or insects than you realize. For instance, a jar of peanut butter is allowed to have up to 210 bug fragments before it is deamed unsanitary! Love chocolate? On overage, chocolate contains 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams. More people than you probably suspect eat bugs intentionally(Entomophagy) because compared with beef, insects have more protein and less fat. Well, now you know the truth.

    Author: Stacci

    As Im an artist, I observe. I enjoy looking for the "un-noticed" things of life. I probably won't have time to blog, but I thought I'd give it a try...
    WARNING: I am an artist, and I do enjoy writing about the arts! However, I am also a new mother, and life has become even more interesting than before. Therefore, I warn you, I will probably write a great deal about my daughter, "Kay Rae". If you would like to read about art, click here!


    July 2012
    June 2012



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